

About Cdiscount

Who: Cdiscount is one of the largest and most visited e-commerce store in France only coming next to Amazon. Out of every three online shoppers in France one is a user of Cdiscount.

What: Around 9000 partner merchants offer over 40 product categories on the e-commerce site and thus is one of the largest platforms to buy products ranging from home appliance, baby care, and furniture to everything.

When: The brand was launched in 1998.

Where: The brand sells on over 150 countries around the world.

Financials: The monthly subscription costs €39.99 while the commission rate starts at 5 percent varying from product to product.

Customer Profile: Cdiscount has been marketing itself as a discounted merchant of high end brands for less such as Samsung, Apple, Michael Kors, Gucci and Lacoste to 8.6 million active customers.

The customer service must be offered in French and the merchants and all merchants must be registered under the relevant tax and social security authorities of France.

Cdiscount is soon about to launch its digital platform which allows their partner merchants to participate in certain auctioning and advertising spaces on Cdiscount as well as on other e-commerce websites to reach more audiences.

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Nábrežie slobody 795, 020 01 Púchov, Slovakia
5F 90 vetelintie Helsinki 00420 Finland
