Privacy Policy


It is understood that privacy and security is one of the major concerns that you may have while launching your business in Europe and hence, we keep all your personal information that you share with us extremely private and absolutely confidential. This is also the information that we collect from you for professional purposes and thus has nothing to do with outsourcing your confidential details.
The privacy policy is applicable to you
This Privacy Policy applies to you if you provide us your personal data over the phone (call or SMS), online, through online registration form, via post or courier, social media, corporate or promotional website, through mobile application or other way. This Policy gives effect to our commitment to protect your personal information and has been adopted by all of the companies and businesses in our group (for more information, please look at section “Who are we?”).
Data you give to us, for example, your name, phone number, email address, organization, position, business area, any kind of criticism or when you speak with us through post, telephone, email or online media.
Name and email address, when you register and you give us your agree to get messages with news, valuable articles, contextual analyses and other from Mediapost Hit Mail Europe.
Data about any device(s) you use or you have used to get to our locales or administrations, (for example, your gadget’s imprint and model, functional framework, program or IP address), data gathered with “treat” and comparative innovations (more data concerning this you can find in our Cookies strategy) or the manner in which you utilize our administrations. For models, we attempt to recognize which of our locales or applications you use, how and when.
  • Your contact subtleties and subtleties of the messages and other electronic interchanges you get from us, including whether that correspondence has been opened and assuming you have tapped on any connections inside that correspondence. We need to ensure that our correspondences are valuable for you, so in the event that you don’t open them or don’t tap on any connections in them, we realize we really want to further develop the data we are sending.
  • Data from different sources, for example, our accomplices, expert organizations that furnish client data with their assent, in an express or anonymized structure (like organizations for showcasing research, monetary establishments, online media and so on) including data that is openly accessible.
Purposes for which we use the data you are sending to us. Lawful basis of processing.
As a Controller of personal data, and in order to be able to fulfill our obligations under the General Data Protection Regulation, we may use your personal data for one, several or for all purposes listed below:
  • To send you responses for requests made towards your brand in regards to your products or services
  • To send you emails and newsletters from our organisation in regards to several offers and proposals
  • For sending you invitations in regards to our events, either alone or with our several partners
  • To analyse statistical data and growth
  • For the betterment of our understanding towards you and your brand so that we are better able to sell and market your brand and products to your targeted customers.
  • To obtain your feedback to improve our products and services

The processing of your personal data is based on one of the following lawful basis of processing:

You have consented to deal with your personal data for at least one explicit purposes;

  • Handling is vital for the presentation of an agreement to which you are a party or for making strides upon your solicitation prior to going into an agreement among us and you;
  • Handling is important to consent to a lawful commitment that concerns us as a data controller;
  • Handling is important to safeguard your or another person’s fundamental advantages;
  • Handling is vital for the presentation of an errand of public interest or in the activity of the authority that is given to us as a data controller;
  • Handling is important for the reasons for our genuine interest (or a third party’s one), with the exception of where such interests impacts your inclinations or basic privileges and opportunities that require unique security of your personal data.

Who we might share your information with?

With companies in the group
We may share your personal data with other companies in our group (described in the “Who we are?” section) when we have your consent to that. That’s how we can provide first-class service.
With our partners and/or providers
With our partners and/or providers
We work with partners and providers who can also process your personal data on our behalf but only if they meet our storage, processing and data protection standards! Such partners are:
  • Courier or postal companies who have to deliver documents or parcels on our behalf;
  • Printing companies who need to prepare customized or personalized materials for you;
  • Companies who send mass email when you need to receive an email from us;
  • Companies who send SMS when we need to send you one;
  • Companies who send applications with which we work every day – for example for email marketing, landing pages, data transfer between systems etc.
We only provide them with information that is necessary to get the relevant product and / or service from us that you have requested or have shown interest for. For example, if you have indicated that you are interested in marketing information from us and / or our partners, you may see advertising messages about our products and / or services on websites you visit.
Other organisations or individuals:
We may provide your personal data to other organizations in certain cases. For example:
  • If we are discussing the sale of all or part of our business, we can share data about you with potential buyers – but only in summary form so that they can assess the potential of the business;
  • If we undergo reorganization or our company is sold to another organization, we may transfer your personal data to that company to continue providing you with the relevant products and / or services;
  • If we need to share your personal data in order to protect our legitimate interest or exercise our rights as regulated by the law and to protect our customers, our users of our products and / or services, systems and servers; or
  • Responding to a request from other individuals (or their representatives) who are trying to protect their statutory rights or the rights of other individuals or organizations.
In any case, we will inform you before providing this information to third parties. If this is not feasible, we will inform you as soon as we have provided your data to third parties.
International transfers of your data
If for purposes described in this Privacy Policy we have to transfer your personal data to a third party (another of our group or our supplier and / or partner) whose headquarter is outside the EU or country with adequate level of security, you will be notified of this as well as of the measures with which your personal data will be protected. Your data may be transferred on the basis of a contract between us and the third party, in a manner approved by the relevant regulatory autority, and under an external arrangement approved by the relevant regulatory autority (eg. Data Shield in the Relationship between EU and US – ‘Privacy Shield’ or others).
Keeping you informed about our products and services?
When you explicitly agree to this, we will gladly share with you by email or phone our special offers, ideas, products and / or services when we have something to share with you.
What are your rights related to your personal data and how you can exercise them?
Right to access and correction of your personal information
You approach your own information handled for the reasons illustrated previously. On the off chance that we interaction this information and get a solicitation from you (or from an outsider approved by you), we will give this admittance to free. You may likewise demand a duplicate of your own information we process.
Before we give admittance to your own information to you or to an individual approved by you, we might demand verification of personality and subtleties of your relationship with us or our accomplices so we can observe the information that connects with you.
Assuming any private information we store and interaction for you is off base or old, you are qualified for request that we right them, including by adding an assertion.
Right to erase your own information
You might demand to erase your own subtleties immediately if:
  • Individual information are not generally required for the reasons for which they were gathered;
  • at the point when you have removed your assent;
  • Whenever you have had a problem with the treatment in the event that it is unlawful;
  • whenever individual information should be erased to agree with a lawful commitment under Union regulation or the law of a Member State that concerns us as an information regulator;
  • whenever individual information has been accumulated regarding the arrangement of data society administrations.
Under specific circumstances, we might decline to erase your own data in the cases accommodated by regulation.
Right of complaint
You have the right whenever to submit to us an issue with the handling of your own data for purposes connected with direct promoting, including profiling, to the extent that it connects with direct advertising.
Limit the handling of individual data
You reserve the privilege to demand that we limit the handling of your own data when you accept your own data is mistaken, the handling of your own data is inappropriate, we needn’t bother with your own data for the purpose of handling, or you have protested the handling of your own data. For this situation, individual data may be put away yet not handled.
The right not to be dependent upon a robotized arrangement including profiling
You have the right not to be dependent upon a completely computerized arrangement, including profiling, when it produces lawful issues for you or influences you impressively.
On the off chance that you might want to practice any of the rights portrayed here, kindly get in touch with us at the contacts recorded in p.
For how lengthy do we store your data?
We store a record of your own information to give you top caliber and consistency of our administrations inside the gathering. We generally store and interaction your data as per the law and we never save it for longer than is needed. In the monstrous case, except if in any case indicated, your data is put away for 5 (five) schedule a very long time from the date of receipt or till the assent is removed.
Data Security
We treat your own data as rigorously classified. To safeguard them, we go to various lengths, including:

We limit admittance to the premises where we work just to individuals who should be there (utilizing codes and access cards, passwords, and so forth, connected with confining admittance to specific premises);

  • We likewise control admittance to our information innovation frameworks through firewalls, ID approval, coherent division and/or actual detachment of our frameworks and information;
  • We never request that you send us your secret key;
  • We prompt never to enter a record number, secret phrase, or other touchy information in an email to us.Contact with us

If you wish to exercise any of the rights described in this Privacy Policy, or if you have a question or complaint about this Policy or the way your personal data is processed, please contact us in one of the following ways:

By email:
Str Aleea Cauzasi nr 57 Sector 3 Bucharest Romania
Nábrežie slobody 795, 020 01 Púchov, Slovakia

Runoratsunkatu 5A 104 02600 Espoo Helsinki Finland


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