Maha Laxmi Packaging Launched in Europe by My European Shop


Export Documentation Made Easy

Simplified export documentation for your global business

My European Shop Global Selling assists sellers like you to export from India in a hassle-free manner. Global business expansion starts with understanding the compliance requirements and regulations for different countries and product categories. To make your export journey easy, My European Shop supports you by providing guidance on the key requirements and regulations, and connects you with experts who will assist you in obtaining your documentation through the Exports Compliance dashboard.

How to navigate through the Exports Compliance dashboard?

Get information

Find out the list of key regulations and documents applicable for your export business

End-to-End support

Get assistance from an expert third party service provider by directly connecting with them to obtain the required export documents for the products you wish to offer

Export with ease

Avoid shipping delays by being prepared with documentation & export your products globally with ease

How to navigate through the Exports Compliance dashboard?

Launching Soon


Click on ‘Get started’ on this page and login. If you are an existing My European Shop seller or buyer, you can login with your seller/ buyer credentials. If not, you can create an My European Shop account.


After you login, click on ‘Export registration’ for support on the basic registrations for exports. Click on ‘Product documentation’ to get information on the export requirements specific to the products you wish to offer.


Once you get the information in relation to the regulations applicable on the export of the product, click on ‘Confirm’ to submit your requirements. The third-party service provider will contact you within 2 business days for next steps in obtaining your export documentation.

Frequently Asked Questions

All businesses are required to be compliant with the country laws and regulations to run a global business. By meeting the compliance requirements for exporting the products, you can scale your business to millions of customers across the globe.

The documents needed for your products vary from country to country and regulations may change over time. The Exports Compliance dashboard helps you get information on all the required documents & regulations applicable on the export of products, on which the service provider can provide you support.

Incomplete documents may lead to shipping delays, fines, penalties and other legal actions on you. We recommend you to prepare your documents in advance to avoid any negative consequences.

It is recommended to prepare for your export documentation soon after you have decided where and what to export. Getting your documentation well in advance will avoid last minute delays on your shipments, leading to better customer experience.

You can view the compliance requirements on the Global Compliance dashboard free of charge. Once you understand the requirements, you can choose and initiate a request to avail the services you need support on from third-party service provider listed on the portal. The third-party service provider will connect with you separately to address your questions and to provide the quotations and timelines for the provision of specific services. With all information at hand, you may after in your independent judgement, choose and avail the services from the third-party service provider.

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