
La Redoute

About La Redoute

Who: La Redoute is one of the leading online stores of France.

What: Fashion products and home ware which are sold based on the brand’s own namesake as well as for other leading brands of the world whose price range from mid to high range. The brands such as Adidas, Superdry, Mango and Petit Bateau are some of the popular brands sold on La Redoute.

When: The brand was founded in 1837 and launched La Redoute as a marketplace in 2010.

Where: The Company operates in France as well as 26 other countries.

Financials: The monthly subscription costs €49.90 and there aren’t any listings or onetime payment of fees. The commissions range from 8 to 20 percent.

Customer Profile: La Redoute has around 11 million registered users out of which 90 percent users are female. The demographic statistics of its users are majorly women aged 25 to 45.

The brand is very selective and highly optimised when it comes to giving merchants their platform to sell. The sellers must own the brand themselves that they plan to sell or atleast be an authorised retailer of the brand. If a brand is selling more than €35,000 annually in France, then the brand must register itself for VAT with the tax authorities of France.

La Redoute is one of the major platforms of Europe that have introduced MangoPay, which is a crowd funded payment method to their shopping cart options out of 2,000 platforms in Europe.

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