
About Otto

Who: After selling over €13.7 billion worth of goods in 2018, Otto became the second largest e-commerce site in Germany only next to My European Shop .

What: In categories ranging from clothing, furniture, kitchenware, toys, household items and electronics the platform sells over 1.8 million products from over 6,800 brands.

When: The brand was launched in the year 2016.

Where: The brand is functional in more than 20 countries, including Austria, Belgium, Netherlands and Russia.

Financials: There is only a one off registration fees that is €10,000 while the commission ranges from 15 to 50 percent. But there is no listing fees or monthly membership fees.

Customer profile: Otto has a customer profile of active and diverse audience ranging from the age of 25 to 55 and it also boasts of 9 million registered users. The product range on Otto comes under premium category and thus it includes a lot of top rated brands like Only, Nike, Bosch and Philips.

To sell on Otto you must have a minimum 100 products as well as some prior experience of e-commerce marketplaces. Your content as well as service must be translated to German.

In order to become an Otto seller, you must have a minimum of 100 products, previous marketplace or e-commerce experience and your content must be translated into German.

Str Aleea Cauzasi nr 57 Sector 3 Bucharest Romania
Nábrežie slobody 795, 020 01 Púchov, Slovakia
5F 90 vetelintie Helsinki 00420 Finland
