Agro Composites Launched in Europe by My European Shop


Promote your products on various European portals by advertising

Advertising on European portals is an easy way for you to promote your listings. Ads appear prominently where customers will see them, such as on the first page of search results or product detail pages. You place bids on relevant keywords, your ad matches the search, your ad gets displayed to shoppers.
These targeted ads can sky-rocket your sales by displaying your products to a wider audience. We have two effective advertising solutions: Sponsored Products for promoting individual listings, and Headline Search Ads to render help to the registered brand owners to rigorously promote their brand and product portfolio.
Both the solutions are well-designed to:
  • Assist customers in finding what they’re looking for
  • Get your products discovered
  • Control your costs and prevent it from spiraling out of control
You pay only for the clicks your ads receive. Campaign reports track your ads’ performance, so you can measure Return on Investment, and re-calibrate your bids and budget to optimize favorable results.

How to kick-start

  • Choose the desired products you want to advertise
  • Decide how much you’ll bid for clicks and set an overall budget or estimated cost
  • In just a few minutes, you can launch your first campaign without racking your brains Write to us for Sponsored Products, Headline Search Ads, costs, keywords, and more.

Raise your visibility with sponsored products

Raise your visibility with sponsored products
Str Aleea Cauzasi nr 57 Sector 3 Bucharest Romania
Nábrežie slobody 795, 020 01 Púchov, Slovakia

Runoratsunkatu 5A 104 02600 Espoo Helsinki Finland


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