

Who: The brand was formerly known as Hitmeister, now operating as it is Germany’s third largest online marketplace.

What: With more than 14 million products sold in over 7000 categories which are diverse ranging from homeware to apparel. Fashion items to baby products and camping products are all available on this marketplace.

When: The brand was relaunched in 2017.

Where: sells in over 30 countries across the world.

Financials: The monthly fee is €39.95, plus VAT while an additional €9.95 is charges for connecting with your online store. The third party sellers enjoy a lot of benefits such as free unlimited listings. Commissions are charged on the total price that includes shipping and ranges from 6.5% for electronics, gadgets and appliances while 12.5% for media products. You can cancel your account at no extra costs.

Customer Profile: is a proud host of 10 million visitors monthly as well as 6.5 registered customers. has recently become the main partner of the German Hockey Association as an effort to promote and increase awareness about nutrition and fitness.

Str Aleea Cauzasi nr 57 Sector 3 Bucharest Romania
Nábrežie slobody 795, 020 01 Púchov, Slovakia
5F 90 vetelintie Helsinki 00420 Finland
