Self Fulfilment by Vendor

Launch your Brand in 28 Countries of the Euro Zone with our own E-commerce marketplace targeting millions of eurozone customers. Our team fully manages the EU E-Commerce website for your brand created by our team. No Commission No Deductions 100 % transparent module with a dedicated team member for local support.
Company listing and Product listing on Our Marketplace for the Entire Europe “MYSHOPINEUROPE.COM only on the B2B section which is dedicated to importers Wholesalers and Distributors for Bulk Buying. Social Media Presence on all platforms for vendors’ brands on MYSHOPINEUROPE Facebook, Insta and other digital media. Monthly Report on Cross-Border E-commerce concerned with Vendor’s Product Portfolio.
Virtual Office Support – Finland, Romania, and Slovakia.
• telephone answering buyers’ queries sending offers to buyers, using your company’s name
• Reception facilities
• Meeting and conference facilities*
• Secretarial assistance
• Interview and training rooms
• Virtual Business Address
Trade Fairs Participations and Business Visit Support in the European Zone. – Our team will not only inform you about the Trade fairs in the Eurozone but can now participate on your behalf and represent your brand in these Exhibitions and Trade fairs. You can now market your goods and products like a local seller which will provide ease and confidence to the buyer. The other big hassle while participating is to carry the promotional material and bring samples back to the native country. With our membership, the exhibit goods stored with us can be rotated in different trade fairs and then again to be stored back in our warehouse. The vendors do not have to carry a load of samples and marketing material every time Vendor participate in trade fair in Europe.

Vendor's Registration information​

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Are You Presently Selling Your Products Online
Str Aleea Cauzasi nr 57 Sector 3 Bucharest Romania
Nábrežie slobody 795, 020 01 Púchov, Slovakia
5F 90 vetelintie Helsinki 00420 Finland
