Mcleodrussel Launched in Europe by My European Shop

Terms of Use

Mcleodrussel Launched in Europe by My European Shop

Welcome to My European Shop site. My European Shop Seller Services Private Limited gives this site to you subject to the accompanying conditions. By visiting the My European Shop site (the "Site"), you acknowledge these conditions. If it's not too much trouble, read them cautiously. Moreover, when you use any current or future My European Shop administration or business, you likewise will be dependent upon the rules, terms and arrangements relevant to such assistance or business.
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You are allowed a restricted, non-assignable, revocable, and non-select right to make a hyperlink to the landing page of services.My European inasmuch as the connection doesn't depict My European Shop Seller Services Private Limited, its subsidiaries, or their products or services in a bogus, misdirecting, disparaging, or in any case hostile matter. You may not use any logo or other restrictive realistic or brand name of My European Shop Seller Services Private Limited or its associates as a component of the connection without their express composed consent.
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  • Services Description My European Shop and its associates endeavor to be just about as precise as could really be expected. Nonetheless, My European Shop doesn’t warrant that depictions of or other substance of this site is exact, finished, solid, current, or mistake free. Likewise, your admittance to the Site may likewise be once in a while suspended or confined to take into consideration fixes, upkeep, or the presentation of new offices or whenever without earlier notification. We will endeavor to restrict the recurrence and span of any such suspension or limitation. My European Shop gives connects to different sites over which MyEuropean Shop has no control. My European Shop isn’t liable for the accessibility of such outer sites or assets and doesn’t underwrite and isn’t dependable or obligated for any substance, publicizing, products or other material on or accessible from such sites or assets.
  • Disclaimer of guarantees and constraint of liabilities. This site is given by My European Shop on an “with no guarantees” and “as accessible” premise. My European Shop makes no portrayals or guarantees of any sort, express or suggested, with respect to the activity of this site or the data, content, materials, or products remembered for this site. you explicitly concur that your use of this site is at your only gamble. My European Shop claims all authority to pull out or erase any data from this site whenever in its prudence.
To the full degree admissible by material law, My European Shop renounces all guarantees, express or suggested, including, however not restricted to,implied warranties of merchantability.
Str Aleea Cauzasi nr 57 Sector 3 Bucharest Romania
Nábrežie slobody 795, 020 01 Púchov, Slovakia

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