Why Indian brands are not listed on European portals?

Why Indian brands are not listed on European portals?

Why Indian & Asian brands are not listed on European portals?

Most of the EU portals demand local existence. VAT is mandatory (which is not a hassle-free process and is difficult to get).

The local legislation demands all necessary information about the vendor. The other key reason is adherence to consumer laws which are very stringent in Europe. Now with new rules and policies for refund, VAT and tax returns, it is very tedious and expensive to enter into Europe.

High-cost warehousing in Europe is one other reason that Asian & Indian organizations are not opting to sell in Europe. Though Amazon provides warehousing facilities, it costs a bomb. In case of low sales and high returns, vendors start losing patience, as it can turn out to be above and beyond the means of most businessmen striving to keep the business afloat.

Vendors working with top-notch portal from India providing the similar services like us are disconcerted with high warehousing cost, in conjunction with that, the other very unfavorable policy is that in case of returning the goods the same are either retained by  or destroyed resulting in huge losses for vendors. The vendor does not even have the liberty to appeal or access information as to why the parcel was confiscated.

Delivery time and freight also end up dissuading buyers from not ordering as delivery from India is not only expensive (as sending a single packet is extremely expensive) but also painstakingly time consuming.
The other main challenges in Europe are customer behavior and local language support. The tools for promotions and advertising are different which are key deterrents for Indian suppliers to make foray into European markets.
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